Monday, October 18, 2010



Monday, September 27, 2010

201 Project 1: interview

ひとみさんの高校は七時半午前にはじめて、五時午後におわだと言っていました。volleyballを してから、高校はたのしです。ひとみさんのクラスはつまらないですから、何もべんきょうするのがすきでしたと言っていました。それから、ひとみさん高校でちょとしゅくだいがありませんでしたと言っていました。でも、ひとみさんはべんきよするから、しけんはやさしかったと言っていました。ひとみさんはアルバイトがありませんでしたと言っていました。それから、しゅまつはたいていえいがに行ったと言っていました。ひとみさんの高校はよかなかったでしたと言っていました。dress codeはわるかったでしたから。ひとみさんはアメリカに行ったといたいました。

Japanese highschools are often viewed as being incredibly hard and incredibly strict when compared to American schools, but looking back on what hitome said about her school, i don't believe they're all that different after all. In America we have many privat schools with, what i would call, a bad dress code. And i believe that most American high schoolers can relate to Hitome when she said that none of her classes interested her. Essentially all of what Hitome said, i can relate to. what i would like to know is about different traditions the students go through every day, and how the details of Japanese day-to-day life in school differ from the American life.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blog 8: Final Blog



Sunday, March 28, 2010




#3: Texas hold 'em with the whole (extended) family...almost.

私は五人かぞくです、でも、わたしのしゃしんはextended family and immediate familyです。私のかぞくはすごいです。


二ばんしゃしんはおねえさんとおじさんwoopin on meです。わたしのおねえさんはmesaba airlinesにつとめていて、 けっこんしていません。おじさんはone of the most kick ass people you'll ever meet...です。おじさんはめがねをかけていやせています。おじさんはすごいです!!!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Blog 5: 私のすきレストラン


わたしのすきごはんわ"splash and meadow."


Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog 4: Roommate(s) wanted

~California 南ロ
~でんわばん 555-425-9785 (アンドリユー*ライナンガー)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

102: Blog 3 Valentine's day

-The Japanese concept on Valentine's day is very interesting to me. In America if you're given something at any age older than Junior hight, it's typically rather substantial. It's not common to find adult men and women going out of their way to give gifts on valentines day, unless it's really heart-felt. Even if many tiny things are given out, it's not really customary to return the favor, you simply thank the person and move on. In Japan though, it seems much more...necessary to return a gift, even if it's not desired to do so.

-The observation that Japanese gift giving is more obligatory than heart felt seems true in some cases. My personal opinion is that you'll find people giving gifts only because they're publicised everwhere, not just in Japan. To much of the American people, Christmas is only marked by the increase in red and green decorations, the increase in sales and lines in stores, and by santa claus' face posted everywhere. It's hardly a meaningful religious holiday anymore to a large portion of the world.

-If I were part of the Japanese Valentine's day celebration i'd most likely simply wait to be given gifts, then return them, i'm way too poor to buy everyone gifts...that whole college thing is really expensive.